Above all, our people are what makes geniant special. Without great people, we could not create great spaces. Our studio is not just a workplace, it’s a gathering place for creative spirits who come together to solve challenging problems.

Nicole Tabata, AIA
Technical Director, Architect
Jaime Magaliff, AIA
Technical Director, Architect
Brian Fleming, AIA, NCARB
Technical Director, Architect
What we’re about
We realize our work is as much about leaving the world a better place as it is about doing great design. We take pride in knowing that thoughtful design decisions can affect both our clients and community in a positive way. We also make an impact when we're invested in the outcome.
One of our core strengths is that we have never required anyone to fit into a mold. We believe the strength of the studio comes from the breadth of perspectives people bring together. Since they feel safe, everyone can be the best version of themselves and we can all do our best work.
Filled with a desire to constantly learn and grow, people here want to know the answers to the questions our clients pose. We are always looking for ways to do things better, whether it's design or management or leadership. And we recognize that we can learn from everyone with whom we come into contact.
We have always emphasized fun, whether it was about enjoying our work or getting together with industry friends. We feel good about coming to work in the morning and feel safe enough to leave when the time is right. That includes flexibility on the parts of both leadership and staff.
We aren't afraid to say we want to be paid fairly for the work we do. If you are good at what you do, you should be compensated accordingly. We also like to feel good about the work we do and sometimes that's reward enough. We are happiest when we are both fairly paid and feel good about what we've accomplished and we strive to be there as often as possible.